In 2025, 114 unique titles were nominated. The following 10 films received the most mentions and the highest average rankings on each member’s list.

Click here to view the 2020 edition.

No. 1

2001: A Space Odyssey

Directed by Stanley Kubrick | 1968

2020 Ranking: No. 1

No. 2

Singin’ in the Rain

Directed by Stanley Donen + Gene Kelly | 1952

2020 Ranking: N/A

No. 3

Citizen Kane

Directed by Orson Welles | 1941

2020 Ranking: No. 2

No. 4

Directed by Michael Curtiz | 1942

2020 Ranking: No. 3

No. 5
The Wizard of Oz

Directed by Victor Fleming | 1939

2020 Ranking: No. 9 (tied)

No. 6

Directed by Alfred Hitchcock | 1958

2020 Ranking: No. 4

No. 7
The Godfather

Directed by Francis Ford Coppola | 1972

2020 Ranking: No. 5

No. 8
Star Wars

Directed by George Lucas | 1977

2020 Ranking: No. 9 (tied)

No. 9
Chungking Express

Directed by Wong Kar-Wai | 1994

2020 Ranking: N/A

No. 10
Y Tu Mamá También

Directed by Alfonso Cuarón | 2001

2020 Ranking: N/A

Films from the 2020 edition to move off the list include “Pulp Fiction,” “Apocalypse Now,” and “The Tree of Life.”