Commerce Launches North Dakota Film and Instagram Partnership

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From a press release by North Dakota Tourism.

The North Dakota Department of Commerce has launched the North Dakota Film and Instagram Partnership Program to increase awareness of North Dakota through creative and authentic storytelling.

This inaugural, competitive-pitched grant will allow storytellers to share their vision for showcasing North Dakota’s healthy and vibrant communities. There are two categories: Short Film and Instagram. Applications will be accepted through March 13, 2020.

“This is an exciting opportunity for the state and its residents,” Gov. Doug Burgum said. “No one can tell the North Dakota story better than our residents. This competition will provide an authentic and captivating view into what makes our state the place to ‘Be Legendary.’”

Short film category participants are invited to pitch an original concept for a short film series, each eight minutes in length or less, centered around a theme of showcasing the heart, soul and vibrancy found in North Dakota communities. The objective is to visually connect unique stories of place in a way that builds pride, appreciation and awareness of North Dakota’s communities for both residents and nonresidents. Entries will be accepted online and should be limited to one per participant.

From the applications, five finalists will be selected to personally pitch their film series shark-tank style to a panel of qualified judges representing various creative, marketing and community-building areas. The panel will award $25,000 to one winner to produce three short films to be used in North Dakota’s promotional efforts and premiere at the Main Street Summit in October in Bismarck. Grant dollars are intended to cover travel and production costs.

The Instagram category invites all North Dakota storytellers to share an authentic and personal perspective of North Dakota. The goal is for the grant recipient to show the beauty of the state and share how North Dakota has inspired them or how experiences in the state have positively impacted lives. The winner will “take over” the @NorthDakotaLegendary Instagram channel to broaden awareness and build connections. There is no limit to the number of submissions.

Five finalists will be invited to personally present ideas at the North Dakota Travel Industry Conference in Grand Forks on April 7, 2020. Conference attendees will select one winner to receive $5,000 to support building and sharing additional North Dakota content to be used on @NorthDakotaLegendary Instagram stories and IGTV. Grant dollars are intended to cover travel and production costs.

“This partnership program is a great opportunity to highlight what makes North Dakota a great place to live, work and expand business,” North Dakota Commerce Commissioner Michelle Kommer said. “Our state is full of talent, and local perspectives will effectively showcase what makes North Dakota unparalleled to other states.”

Find out more about the North Dakota Film and Instagram Partnership Program at


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